Monday 20 December 2010

Win Studio Time at SAE

We've got together with SAE Institute and Music Jobs UK to offer the chance to win a day's recording studio time at London, Liverpool or Glasgow SAE.  The winner will get a day's recording time produced and managed by a highly trained member of SAE staff.  All you have to do to be in with a shout is fill in the comeptition entry form below and the winner will be drawn on Friday the 21st of January. Easy!

Name: *

Address: *
Town/City: *
Postcode: *
Country: *
Email: *
Band Name:
D.O.B: *

Tick to enter the competition and accept the terms and conditions, if not, you will be entered for this competition but your details will only used for this purpose and no future campaigns or third parties.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this opportunity! I'm sure the resulting recording will be fabulous and assist the lucky winner to advance their career! Cheers!

    Will Connor, Percussionist
    Vultures Quartet
